adrian aranda

I’m Adrian, a Software Engineer working remotely for Pleo in sunny Barcelona, Spain.

🙇🏻 I have a social and creative nature and good skills to see the big picture. I value innovative thinking, focus and the chance to get involved, as I am a proactive person and I enjoy sharing ideas. I previously was part of Bolt's and Glovo's fullstack engineering teams. Now I work as a back end engineer for Pleo.

🖥️ As a software engineer with a passion for building robust end-to-end solutions, I have experience in JVM environments, Python and modern UI frameworks such as React or Vue. Thanks to my background in audiovisual media and customer success, I bring a comprehensive and product-oriented approach to software development. My expertise lies in developing scalable distributed systems and data pipelines with technologies like Pyspark and Airflow.

🎧 Besides my tech interests, out of the office you’ll find me playing chess, producing music, swimming or dreaming about having a sphynx cat.

⭐️ Please, feel free to contact me at or download my CV!




by Frank Ocean


"My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy"

by Kanye West



by The Beatles


Blade Runner

"Blade Runner"

2001 A Space Odyssey

"2001: A Space Odyssey"

The Truman Show

"The Truman Show"